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Gdansk, sixth  city of Poland by its population, the largest port city in the country, was partially destroyed during the Second World War and largely rebuilt identically! In this reconstructed setting, I discovered an outdated present: the significance of religion, costumed military parades, docks resembling a wasteland no man's land that spread out from the harbour. Modernity is embodied in the temple of trendy nights on Place Solidarnosc: the  KLUB WYDZIAL REMONTOWY  is where Lech Walesa gave his first speeches. “I went there every day. In this club we felt the desire for a new world for Polish youth. We felt that it was recent. They dream of Europe but with caution. Rather, they dream of freedom.”                                                                             

                                                                                                                                                                               Text, Sébastien BESATTI

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